Gods Secret Intervention
On this day, as ancient as my soul, I gracefully sit and talk to my Father, sharing within our heart a constant prayer, and graciously I thank Him for the budding journey and destiny that my human family and I undertake together, with Him, guided by His Holy Ghost.
Counterfeit desires cannot join us on this holy day, and dark conspiracies which attempt to invade us, in this sacred hour of hush and silence, will be destroyed. And as precious as it is rare in our world, an un-demanding yield, secure and safely guiding my holy journey, with no disruptions, is borne, as I live safe in my Father, full of love and peace, blazing in His glory in full and empty spaces and places. My Father is Everywhere and darkness cannot overshadow His Reality.
An ancient hatred attempts division in my mind, but in reclaiming my rightful place in God's heart, all ancient hate dies in truth's presence. Who will be victor in this ancient war? Can the evil ones really win? Can one pure drop of water drown and destroy the darkened brackish seas? Could it be that simple? And could it be possible that God not win the cosmic and Earthly battles!? His Power lives in us, and we need to complete a multi-universal structure, into a forgotten memory, slowly awakening to the memory of Christ consciousness, here in the world, in preparation for our entrance back into Heavens Oneness ~ an awareness which evil and isolation can never touch again. Be true to thyself and follow not a path that leads no-where.
God hands out miracles of love like candy to a little child, and He needs our hands, eyes, ears and legs, with a rational tongue, to use this temporary body we seem to exist, and to truly use our mind to sincerely do His Will. From a decision made by communication with the Holy Spirit, we give our bodies to Christ to do the Will of God, in this world. Our awakening back to God hangs on to nothing synonymous with selfish manipulating snides. I compare nothing (the ego) to Everything (God) and only one decision and path is true. "Everything" can have no opposite, so the only choice I need make here is to stand by my sacred vow, and to honour God truly for Eternity. This communion with my holy Father can "never" be broken.
My brother Jesus collapses time creating a temporal shift time saver for us to step forward without the hitch of time. Time almost seems to stand still when being true to thyself ~ following God. And not to waste precious time with evil stories on superfluous versions of non-truth, hanging by a loose breakable string; as the evil affiliate of fear is cast unto the vast darkened seas. I step aside and deny all foolish and wishful yearnings, replacing all fear with love. The days of old live in me my Lord, as I raise the Gauntlet to the heavens and fill it with diamond lit stars falling from the cosmos, shading our Earth with God's eternal Light.
As I inhale light from the Gauntlet, eradicating the dark hole that was once destroying my heart, giving me the gift of demoralising condemnation and violations of fabricated lies ~ a "life" that leads away from Truth, away from God? I hear the Voice of my Father ~ nonchalant in His Plan, and in full knowledge that His children will never fail Him for They are He ~ "if" they truly seek to reach the truth. My mind has never embellished Your Word dear Father, nor my allegiance and vigilance for Your Truth. Your constant blessings give every nano-second meaning, and in this "reality", my Father doth declare, that the truth be told as It Is ~ elementary and free from overbearing voices and ideas that make sense not.
Jesus anoints me, bringing me into the fold, as His hand touches my head, so lightly, that a gentle vibration coverts my soul and mind to devotion without compromise. And as a soft white veil falls over my face, dressed in white, in a white room with glimpses of blue and gold, I give Him beauty from the Garden of Eden and place a flower at the feet of Jesus, as I lower my eyes and absorb His message. I stand and look into His dark brown eyes ~ veil softly touching my velvet ageing skin, for the living Christ Jesus is my destiny partner and nothing "here" can rock the boat that God built for us.
It is today my Lord, that I sit here knowing in God-given awareness that Your messages be never dethroned, now and forever after ~ casting love from You into the darkness and from Your great Power, hatred dies and dissipates into nothing. The purity of the light You swallowed and breathed out into the world protects the chosen ones. And in You we live and are loved truly, for in Your plan for healing, I stand tall and strong, with no doubt, only faith, as we begin again a journey that ended long ago. And in Your Plan for salvation my holy Father, regarding heinous crimes of a past in hell on Earth ~ may these atrocities never again be repeated. When hatred is no more, open will be Heaven's Door.
We do not wish to journey again a path that leads not to You, full of errors from naive thinking and wicked minds. In earnest prayer and within my fervent soul, I ask You my Father, consistent in honesty, I pray to You for peace ~ I seek to know You. I ask You Oh Universal Great One, Creator of all things good, that we honour truth and let it be said loud and clear that Your plan for us cannot fail.
My holy Father - some of your children have swayed away from Your all-mighty promise of everlasting life and believe they can copy and create physical creatures such as animals and humans. These children of You believe that they can create like You, and that consciousness is in the body which can be transferred to other bodies through manipulation of DNA and genetics because they believe that minds are separate ~ not one? I am pleased in knowing that God cannot hear nor understand the crimes against Him. He is not aware that we are in so much trouble, because in a blink, a tiny mad idea entered the Eternal Mind of God and we became lost and separated! I know that we can't "see" God and God cannot "see" us BUT He "knows" us and we "know" Him.
The impossible occurred and we became separated from our Creator, and the darkest force of evil started a war in the heavens which is directly linked to the evil on our world. The Eternal Son of God is thrust from the Fatherhood, and is then separated and divided into billions of life forms which Jesus hopes to rejoin under the title "Brotherhood of Man", through Christ Consciousness, so that we may return to the "Fatherhood of God". But whilst here, we learn to co-create through our Father's gift of love, thus following the Laws of God to create His kingdom on Earth. But there is no hope for those following the Laws of hell, delivered by fallen angels and interplanetary influences from so called higher intelligence's, posing as God's Angels.
But to deal with this cosmic war, Gods power is in me with full strength to carry out my destiny and destroy the evil that has infiltrated this universe and violated my holy mind over and over. The evil ones have not yet won a battle with me. It is literally staggering what we can do when we honour truth truly! And worst of all my God ~ these insane forms of anti-life think they are You ~ not in eternal love ~ but above You!? They are weak in thought and Satan and other dark ones have a plan for this world which is in complete opposition to Gods.
The dark ones believe that they will stand above the Most High's and rule the heavens. I believe that they will go to prison, be offered mercy, and maybe demoted, but given a chance to walk again with Celestial bodies if fully rehabilitated. If one does not accept the mercy of the Most Highs then they will be cast from the heavens for eternity.
Being of Your Reality I choose freedom of will, to follow Your way and in Your plan lay Your Greatness and Your love and together we sink deep into prayer. The age of the risen Christ has begun, and the "Brotherhood of Man" is delivered unto Your holy living breath, quiet in giving knowledge, wise in decision, and the holiest ones, the ones who draw on Your strength in every sacred moment, are joining for peace, as we no longer follow fools, and in our thinking, reasoning with the Holy Spirit or Jesus maintained, we call for healing and peace. My will is free, and I choose to follow You.
I say to my Father with truth on my lips, that I will walk the holy miles on this world; blending minds in unity, creating a sea of light that will join us all gently to the Father ~ I sit and pray to my God on my velvet red rocking chair. I thank Thee that the entrance is sealed from evil corruption, but opens to release the seal divulging truth, for those worthy of His love, for those who live His Law. Light is released and surrounds our dear planet Earth and beyond, which will become one Multi-Universal Light, illuminating everything that Is. When the Grand Design is completed there will be no memory of this world.
As I learn to be in this world but not of it, a more amiable way awaits, full of peace and joy, as silent footsteps from every shining hour, in the holiest of ways, in togetherness and love, we gain control and power to openly share Your message for our salvation, being delivered to the ones who are chosen as M/messengers for Your holy work. And in our divine goal for healing and peace we are saved to be again at Home in You.
In gratitude and love my holy Father, I thank Thee truly for the Intervention necessary upon this world, delivered by the knowledge and wisdom of the Most Highs. I call out to Jesus and practice His lessons of forgiveness. I remain intertwined in You, with the Helpers and Guardians sent me and I honestly, with humility and grace, do Your holy Will and fulfil my function in Your Plan for healing. And in this simplicity ~ in the joining of Christ Consciousness ~ lay the salvation of the world and the Universe beyond.
"Oh pray with me my human family, and may we join with each other in a Holy Union of Souls. Never again shall the ways of darkness take those who are truly ready to know their own heart - one with God" - JMR
"All are chosen but few choose to listen"
Written and thought of by Janene Maree Richardson 3rd printing Febuary 4th 2022
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