The New Switzerland Project Internatio
Headquarters-: Brisbane, Australia 27 June 2017
NewsLink #16
Dear Treasured and Loyal Readers,
Welcome to NewsLink #16. This NewsLink is about our Personal Individual Powers which have multiple uses, to be used for peace to save humanities future, present, and to learn from past mistakes by not repeating them. If we do not share openly our powers, then nothing will be done to grow peace and terrifying changes in humanities psyche will be wiped out due to war, demonic "like" interventions, corruption and poisoned air. We need each other to bring about a peaceful environment based on the foundations of Higher law and equality, which creates lasting peace driven by love.
We need patience to do the Will of God here on Earth, and support each other unconditionally with what we are doing for our part in the peace process. When the time comes, we will put out a confidential Letter of Request, asking our people who would like to share their Powers on behalf of peace, to be put on our list of lifetime connections. These Powers will "only" be used if it honours the baseline of peace; benign purposes that does not hurt the person sharing a particular Power. These "Powers" or "Superpowers" can also be the qualities of a person which aid in peace creation. We need a longer chain to fill this world with peaceful solutions. We need to call for a power and someone put up their hand. We then thoroughly explain why we are in need of a persons power to maybe for example, fix up something that can be overthrown with a persons power. Just think about how many Powers we have collectively and all shared what the outcome would be! This project has to go at a pace. We sail the peace ship, equal in every way, to deliver our part in the NSPI. The more It is really time to share what we are good at and powers we stand for, and follow the plan being brought forth by the Project Creator from the Higher Ones here right now influencing our world. The dark ones are here also. Have faith in the process necessary to exterminate evil on this world and replace it with love - our natural state of being given by God to every child of Him.
The bad/evil ones are using subtle methods to infiltrate evil into the world. We are going to do the same thing with peace ~ infiltrate peace through the masses ergo expanded!! Each of us has our part to play for this World Peace Project. We are going to support each other to make this Project a reality; and create a lasting positive peaceful Country that will grow and grow into a place of beauty and harmony, because of the work we do together. The NPSI is not just another Peace Project happening in the world. Our Project is "the" World Peace Project "for" the world. She is the Mother of Peace Projects throughout the globe. There will be hundreds of small peace projects done by the NSPI such as packages, university study, scholarships which will all fall under the aegis of the NSPI. Eventually all
We need to have the NSPI known to everyone, so the ones who are peacemakers can join and submit for funding to do peace projects and other ideas put forward by our shared methods. This is no small feat, and it will take a lot of good people who care about peace, more than money, power or materialism and above all, not doing it for prestige amongst peers or anyone else. We have to want peace with every fibre of our being and this sometimes means we have to fight in His Name. We have ways to know what occurs with a person: in which way a person is swinging. The Project Creator will know very quickly if the project is being "used" for notoriety and ego or for Truth, love or peace.
We must be vigilant for God and His Kingdom and for God and each other we do this Peace Project. Those who are meant to be uninvolved will be "negative peacemakers" _ and know it all's who want to get their voice heard in the NPSI forums and using bogus methods and ideas. So these people will not be involved in the project on any level. We need to be a bit strict or firm because of the current state of the world right now. We are working for God and each other, therefore it is imperative that ones mindset is always on peace.
Peace is our goal ~ both inner peace and outer peace. Peace is what our Country is based on. Peace is our salvation. Peace is the foundation of Higher Law grown out of love.............cj
All of us have Powers, which said above, I call Superpowers. All of us will gladly share what "Power" is needed in a situation for the Project. We take everything that we are good at and work out what we can do for the project; for instance one's name may hold Power or one may have been appointed a Power or work for a Power. We need these Powers ~ our abilities to authorise and present action and power to all work on the peace effort selflessly. To briefly reiterate; There are powers or talents we have that are innate; Powers appointed us or studied which includes official licensing and if necessary; changing a powers foundational meaning to suit the NSPI within the limitations of International Law is one of our powers. If we need your power to say authorise something ~ reasons will be explained for requiring that power. Together, we will make lasting peaceful changes to ensure the NSPI has been founded in peace, based on higher laws, morals, ethics, soul and personality.
Science and physics etc will not alone save the world, or more precisely, humanity, without additional new ways to create peace ~ environments built on love. Poets and writers will play a major role in humanities salvation through the sharing of visions, information, writings and education that invariably leads to truth ~ Laws of Truth and the Voice for Truth. May we share the light in our minds and expedite it's power through sharing, selflessness, forgiveness, light and love. We will teach our young how to share truly without the need for wanting approval or attention or egotisical negative peacemaking ideas. We will have a group for people who fall in this category to find out why and how they think like this. We will be doing this in various categories for virtually everything we talk about that leads to the creation of a new Country based on Positive Peace.
Goodness will prevail over evil because genuine peacemakers, peace thinkers, creative peace ideas and others will join us on the Peace Ship which is a one way ride. The Treasure Chest is for anything to do with the building of a Country in the way of questions or your ideas. Coverty College will be the First Free Thinking University in the world. The FFIOP is the publisher for the NSPI. The NSPA is our emergency global Petty Cash Account. We have great personal power and collectively we will thread peace back into this tired old world with our superpowers and passion to unite humanity under the banner of peace. How long this will take? Well, we do not know - but we must start somewhere. Peacemakers Unite! "We are serious about peace!" There are three (3) categories of peacemakers which are "Negative Peace", "Ideal Peace" and "Positive Peace. Ideal peace is impossible; Negative Peace is not acceptable so especially short term so we are aiming for positive peace. We need, individually, to extend a positive state of mind to bring all of this together.
We would like to thank you all ~ those of you who have kept up with our NewsLinks and people new to the project as well for being involved in the NSPI. It is our project, and we all know why we are tackling the most important issue on the planet. Evil must be stopped!! Love will cast out fear and ultimately bring us a lasting positive peace to save humanity through healing, love and peace and togetherness. People in or supporting the NSPI ~ we ask with humility, to start putting in opinions or raise ideas for peacemaking and to write under the aegis of the NSPI ~ let everyone you know be aware of the NSPI and that she is a World Peace Project which has been planned out for over thirty (30) years into the future. Our deeds will definitely be known by the higher forces of love controlling the universes thus extending the Kingdom of God.
Peace be with you my dear human family and get ready to share on behalf of God and humanity; to create His Kingdom here on earth and in Heavens extensions of Love; which will touch us all. Our great reward from God and the higher realms is not physical ~ it is the qualities that honour each other and God. It is ultimate peace. Thank you for sharing in this Project. We could not do this without you. My love I give you in abundance. MAY PEACE SHINE IN YOUR HEART
Chrztalia Belladio Stelamo
Written and thought of by Janene Maree Richardson c 27 June 2017. NewsLink Article#16 ~ c 2017