On a day in the week of May I looked around the corner,
Shining free and saved believe! I saw the wise Kings daughter,
Through the white lighted entranced gate,
She looked at me and watched with grace ~
Soft brown silk covered and veiled her face,
"Thoughts for me" ~ I could not wait!
She held her eyes that locked into mine,
And told me about a Sacred Shrine,
I listened intently as she spake the lines,
Not concerned at all with things like time ~:
"Two miles to the east and three to the west,
Gently does it rider and
Take the road that is not there,
There's nothing cryptic in your quest,
So ride your horse through the mountain air,
For Truths proof lay in the Sacred Shrine and Its
waiting for you there".
I saddled up my horse and she wore
Diamonds flashing through eyes demure,
I found out on this secret day that love and healing was the cure,
I rode to the east and west the hills,
And stopped of for a simple prayer,
Then looked around the mountain,
Finding messages in the fresh clean air..........
Surrounded by Gods Angels and never alone,
I look ahead and saw a dome,
In-scripted with instructions to now go south,
Flowers and Angels protecting walkways to the sacred caves mouth,
And in front of me lay the Sacred golden Shrine,
Dedicated to all who walk the fine line!
Truths Law engraved into the stone inside and
Not just Kings and Knights but
Sons and daughters were honoured this time.
Simple people obeying the natural order,
Knew the secret of the wise Kings daughter,
We have this choice in these holy and hostile times,
Risks and consequences we will handle them fine!
Peace and joy grew on the wise Kings vine so
Delicate and free the wise Kings daughter and me,
And the bell birds sing to all of us for free.........!
The proof of truth lay the Alter bare,
The wise King gave us his Kingdom to share!
The Sacred Shrines messages sounded for the Kingdom to hear,
With a holiday beside it, all the time in every year!
And the people rise to the challenge of peace,
No darkness in the Kingdom ~ only light we thus bring,
"Flowers that dance in the heart" said the King,
And his daughter declared, "We all have absolutely Everything!"
And on that note the town doth sing and
Every moment was the season of Spring.............
Written and Thought of by Janene Maree Richardson 12 March 2022 c