This is my Eastertime and I would make it holy,
As the week begins with palms and ends with lilies.
In the living Christ, we would make It holy thus
celebrating the end of sin and death.
Your crucifixion my Jesus was an extreme example;
to prove there is no death and that we are free
demonstrated through Your holy resurrection.
This Easter is but the celebration of Your release my Jesus;
And the release of our brothers with You,
as we truly honour this holy week, an ancient moment shared;
and we bathe in Gods forgiveness,
through our living breath and holy resurrection.
Let us not place on You the image of a crown of thorns dear Jesus,
nor a blood stained wooden cross to take away the light of the risen Christ ~
for in His release lies our own.
And through the celebration of my Saviours holy resurrection,
we welcome the gift of lilies, not thorns, to spring our minds
unto a journey undertaken together upon this holy time;
A week that starts with palms and ends with lilies ~
free of darkness and blazing in white light,
thus understanding the message of the crucifixion being a useless sacrifice.
My Jesus was crucified !
But the resurrection was Your final recognition of Eternal life.
My Jesus; My older Brother;
We wish not to see our Saviour bruised and broken in a crown of thorns,
but rather honour the perfect purity, help and perfection of divine faith offered us.
Our Jesus has taken the last useless journey for all of us out of hell,
and in gratitude we all walk a path in Christ to Heaven.
The risen Christ is the symbol of our Fathers forgiveness,
and Easter is the celebration for the end of sin,
to make way for our eternal holiness,
and choices premised on God's infinite love and Truth.
Soft white lilies are offered as the sign of the sacred purity we share,
as this holy week is for our Self, thus joining us in joy, not mourning.
Our redemption lies in Your release my Jesus,
and within it are we released with You.
The fear of God has vanished as victory replaces all doubt and pain.
Behold the face of your Saviour, and throw away the crown of thorns,
and replace it with a crown of Gold relinquishing all thoughts of pain, death and sin,
as our Jesus died for all of us through offering forgiveness from God,
But in the terrifying judgment made from evil
that murdered our Lord Jesus Christ ~ He later proved eternal life,
through His holy resurrection, releasing Him into the Fatherhood
He is the Saviour and Teacher for the brotherhood of man.
We thank Him from our heart........
We follow His huge golden Heart back to God......
In Eternity, together, back to our Creator - together as One.......
Dear God,
Be at peace and light our hearts
with the innocence of the risen Christ dear Father.
Look upon Him truly and in the quiet certainty,
that with Him we are released unto redemption,
and unto the "life" of our living God ~
and in Him made free the Holy Son of God............
"I can not stain the alter with an image of a dead Saviour. On the Alter shall stand the risen Christ Jesus ~ wise and free and here again to Guide us home to God" ~ JMR
Written and thought of by Janene Maree Richardson. 1st Printing 2015; 2nd Printing 2022 c. - 17 March 2022